Thursday, March 15, 2012

On My Way

We've been on the plane for about 6 hours now... 8 to go. All I can say is that yesterday and today having been this crazy, exciting blur! Yesterday we had our staging event, where we all met each other and did a basic overview of the Peace Corps... What's expected of us, what we can expect, etc... I learned some things I didn't know yet.

For example, everyone in our group (Namibia Group 35, meaning the 35th group to go to Namibia) is a Health Volunteer like me. I think that is so cool! Talking with the people of all different ages and backgrounds, I know we will all be able to bring different things to the table.

Also, I learned that all of us get bicycles at our sites to get around! I am so excited for that. From what I hear, we get pretty decent ones, too, as well as helmets.

I learned that everyone will spend the training period living with a host family, and most people will live with host families for the duration of our stay. I think that's awesome because you truly get to experience the culture that way... You live with a real Namibian familya who speaks a real Namibian language and cooks you real Namibian food. Talk about complete cultural immersion!

I found out that many volunteers take in stray dogs or puppies and take care of them during service (they take them to get their shots, of course)... Some even bring their doggies back home with them once their service is up! I've heard that the concept of a pet the way we have it in the states is not present in Namibia, but that many Namibian families keep and care for dogs as protection. Sounds like an interesting cultural point to share with a host family. "Yes, host Mom, back home the dogs are considered family members!" Ha ha can you imagine?!

Staging overall was a really wonderful experience, everyone seems really cool and super excited to be going.

Last night I slept in a comfy American bed for the last time in a loooong time, and today we woke up and checked out at 2:15 am! Got on a bus and left for JFK. We arrived SEVEN HOURS early for our flight... I guess it was just in case but it did seem a little excessive lol!

Right now were on our way to Johannesburg, it's 5:30 pm at home but it's dark here. We're over the Ocean and just barely grazing over the western edge of Africa as we cut down to the southeast, though I can't see anything out the window. According to the trip estimator on the tv screen, we have 7091 km (4405 miles) left until our destination, and we've traveled 5828 km (3622 miles). I'm more than 3000 miles away from home right now!! And more to go...

One thing that was new for me on such a long flight... They give you lots of little necessities... A sleeping mask, a blanket, a pillow, a toothbrush and toothpaste, socks (wait, socks?! Yes, socks), and multiple meals. For lunch we had lamb (I think it was curried) with rice and cooked veggies. It was pretty good! After your meal you get dessert and tea or coffee... I asked for tea and they gave it to me with sugar and lots of cream. It was really neat! Never had anything like this on a domestic flight (do they even feed you meals on those anymore?)

I've been napping for the majority of the trip, and I think I'm going to go back to that state now; the last two nights I only got 3 hours and that just does not cut it for me :-P

Anyway, signing off for now! Stay tuned for updates and feel free to share this blog with anyone who may be interested.

All my love!!!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Over the Atlantic Ocean

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